Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Spring is here!!

Spring is finally here and I've been working on some fun, colorful spring cookies! Here is what I've done so far:

I also had an order for some cards for a weekly Bridge game. These were so much fun to make!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

More Wedding Showers

I had another order of wedding shower cookies this weekend. These were fun because there was such a variety!

 All of the cookies together
Some of the teapots and teacups

More designs

Cookie Jars!!

We sent these cookie jars as "brighten your day" gifts. These are our "Jars of Smiles." Cookie jars are $15 for the small one and $30 for the big jars (the two in the back). They can include a personalized note tied to the ribbon as well.

Fashion Cookies

I have had a busy weekend making cookies. I experimented with leopard print and it came out a lot better than I thought! Here are a few of the fashion cookies I came up with: